I have some questions, mainly around murder and versions.
We're looking to expand to a Murder cluster, but are still running 2.2 versions of the software. Obviously, i would like to use the latest version for any new installs, so I was wondering - both in the context of building the cluster as well as future upgrades - if there is a 'all same version' requirement (i.e. all servers must be upgraded at the same time) or whether the protocol was standard enough that it didn't matter (Between frontend and backends? Between backends (i.e. moving a mailbox)? Master vs frontend vs backend?) Naturally, this question doesn't involve using "new" features not present in the older versions.

I don't believe that any changes to the MUPDATE protocol have been made between 2.2 and 2.3, so upgrading single components *shouldn't* be a problem. However, given that the cyrus.index and cyrus.cache files contain additional info in 2.3, I probably wouldn't move mailboxes from 2.3 backends to 2.2 backends. Note that we haven't done a migration such as this at CMU (yet) so what I've said is purely an educated guess. I haven't spent a lot of time thinking through all of the particulars.

We've run a murder with 2.3 backends, 2.2 frontends and used both 2.3 and 2.2 (at different times) for the murder master with out problems. We've made no attempt at running a mix of backend versions, though as Ken mentioned it shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't transfer mailboxes.

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