On Jeu 16 février 2006 17:51, Vincent Deffontaines a écrit :
> Ken Murchison wrote:
>> Vincent Deffontaines wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> I am having a quite weird behaviour from the sieve daemon.
>>> I have in my config (SERVICES) :
>>> sieve         cmd="timsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=0
>>> The daemon listens fine on TCP port 2000.
>>> If I telnet to localhost on port 2000, I get :
>>> Trying
>>> Connected to sexa-mail1.ecn.loc.
>>> Escape character is '^]'.
>>> "IMPLEMENTATION" "Cyrus timsieved v2.3.1"
>>> "SASL" "PLAIN"
>>> "SIEVE" "comparator-i;ascii-numeric fileinto reject vacation imapflags
>>> notify envelope relational regex subaddress copy"
>>> OK
>>> Which I am happy with.
>>> If I telnet from another box from the same network (, I get
>>> the
>>> same prompt.
>>> If I telnet to it from a host on another network (dmz - 192.168.X) :
>>> Trying
>>> Connected to sexa-mail.ecn.loc.
>>> Escape character is '^]'.
>>> Connection closed by foreign host.
>>> The connection opens, and gets closed straight away.
>>> So this is not a firewall nor a routing problem. I get in the logs on
>>> the
>>> sieve server :
>>> Feb 15 23:20:25 sexa-mail1 master[26216]: about to exec
>>> /usr/cyrus/bin/timsieved
>>> Feb 15 23:20:25 myhost sieve[26216]: executed
>>> Feb 15 23:20:25 myhost sieve[26216]: telling master 2
>>> Feb 15 23:20:25 myhost sieve[26216]: accepted connection
>>> Feb 15 23:20:25 myhost sieve[26216]: telling master 3
>>> Feb 15 23:20:25 myhost master[17464]: service sieve pid 26216 in READY
>>> state: now unavailable and in BUSY state
>>> Feb 15 23:20:25 myhost master[17464]: service sieve now has 0 ready
>>> workers
>>> Feb 15 23:20:25 myhost master[17464]: service sieve pid 26216 in BUSY
>>> state: now serving connection
>>> Feb 15 23:20:25 myhost master[17464]: service sieve now has 0 ready
>>> workers
>>> Feb 15 23:20:25 myhost master[17464]: process 26216 exited, status 0
>>> Feb 15 23:20:25 myhost master[17464]: service sieve now has 0 ready
>>> workers
>>> So the process just closes the connection and exits with status 0.
>>> Is there some config option that I don't know of?
>>> Is there something obvious I am not seeing?
>>> Why is there no prompt when connecting from that host?
>> Are you using TCP wrappers or something?  Is some other process (xinetd)
>> listening on port 2000?
> Not using TCP wrappers (well hosts.allow and hosts.deny are both empty).
> And it is cyrus that listens on port 2000 :
> tcp        0      0  *
> LISTEN     17464/master
> Vincent

I have found out what happens. This is in no way a Cyrus problem.
Tcpdumping -xx on both server and client has shown that the Sieve server
was sending the Greeting banner, just before a connection being reset by
the firewall. The client was never receiving the banner.

I guess that's what one gets (and deserves) for using a WinGate firewall :-P

Weirdly enough, the wingate "firewall" breaks the sieve protocol on port
2000, but not on port 2001. Of couse, nothing in the filtering rules
reflects that.

However, I thought I'd just post this info, just in case other clueless
wingate users wonder about weird things, and just to solve this problem in
case anyone reads this thread later.



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