On Tue, 28 Feb 2006, Rob Tanner wrote:


I had to reboot the mail server and fsck the mail partition (280GB, 156GB of mail), and when I tried to bring up Cyrus, I get the following error:

Feb 28 15:06:57 belgarath master[2702]: setrlimit: Unable to set file descriptors limit to -1: Operation not permitted

This is the production mail server and was working fine up to the reboot (not a system crash). It's critical I get this up since it is the primary mail server for the institution. Any idea what might be going on?

That message is typical during the startup of cyrus. Cyrus is trying to increase its open files limit to the max. I'd be more curious of what is next in the logs...

Also, you don't describe what the actual problem is. Is master still running? Perhaps ctl_cyrusdb -r? Is it listening on IMAP/POP3 ports?

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