Hans Moser schrieb:

I installed IMAPd 2.2.12 from source (on AIX 5.3). Everything seems to be fine, but the server doesn't start at all. When I start "master", I'm back at the command prompt immediatly. The same with "master -D". There is no process running. (Even with -C /path/to/where/no/file/is it says nothing)
How can I get more (any!) information what's wrong?
I had to restart syslogd, then IMAPd logged und I saw the pid file
problem. So I solved this.

So BTW: A --prefix has no effect on files' pathes. Other than OpenLDAP
or Postfix Cyrus IMAPd searches for /etc/cyrus.conf, /etc/cyrus.conf and
/var/run/cyrus-master.pid instead of prefix/etc/cyrus.conf,
prefix/etc/imapd.conf and prefix/var/run/cyrus-master.pid. Why is that?
Is there no other way to configure this than using the commandline
options -C -M -p?


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