----- Original Message ----- From: "Ciprian Vizitiu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <info-cyrus@lists.andrew.cmu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 4:54 PM
Subject: How can I enable/force compression?

Hi everybody,

One user has more than 20.000 messages in Inbox. And he's an Outlook user.
And one normally does not tell the CEO what to do. So; It used to be that
upon first login in the morning it took more some 1 minute to get the
headers in Outlook; but ever since the upgrade from 2.2.8 to 2.2.12 and
enabling squatter, the login has increased to 25 minutes! =:-o Which time is
spent mostly in fetching the headers and updating the Outlook local cache.

I've noticed that the very same operation performed via SSH (143 forwarded
via the user's DSL) is significantly faster when I enable compression on
SSH; funny I know, encryption should tax the whole process badly but then... Anyway here's my question: is there anyway that I can enable compression or

... And then although this id definitely NOT the place to ask, maybe a kind soul on this list has a any constructive hints for me regarding why Outlook insists into re-reading all the god damn headers every-time to begin with...

It seems it is the problem of Outlook, NOT cyrus problem.
I still have the same problem of using Outlook for a very IMAP quota since the outlook uses mailbox file to store the IMAP folders, including INBOX. Office 2003 Outlook is better to handle large file in my own test, but it is still very slow to fetch mail from IMAP server. My suggestion is to distribute the mails in INBOX to several IMAP folders and this will divide the single large file of INBOX mailbox file on the client PC to several relatiively smaller mailbox files. This may reduce the CPU and RAM requirement and hence a faster mail checking.

Hope this helps.


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