On Mon, May 01, 2006 at 05:45:53PM +0000, Perry Brown wrote:
| How can I force cyradm to connect with plain+tls? Or possibly some work 
| around using Cyrus::IMAP::Shell

last time I checked, cyradm did not support SSL/TLS.  To get
around this, I setup an SSL tunnel (via stunnel) on my loopback
interface from port 143 to port 993.  Works like a champ.


ryan corder <ryanc at silverorb dot net>
GnuPG key: http://silverorb.net/~ryanc/stuff/ryanc.asc
"There is a multi-legged creature crawling on your shoulder."
           -- Spock, "A Taste of Armageddon", stardate 3193.9

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