On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 13:13 +0200, Mirosław Jaworski wrote:
> Problems:
> - mupdate eating cpu 

Update: seems that prot.c ( ) patch made the day
for me ( concerning mupdate eating cpu time ).

Still have the problem with synchronizing mailboxes.db
between nodes though.

How often slave mupdate will update its config against the
master mupdate? Isn't is supposed to be "realtime" too
( as of now - when i add mailbox on node with slave mupdate
the node with master mupdate knows about it in no time )?

Is there any configuration option i can add, some mupdate
slave synchronization event to slave node(s) or something?



Miroslaw "Psyborg" Jaworski
GCS/IT d- s+:+ a C++$ UBI++++$ P+++$ L- E--- W++(+++)$ N++ o+ K- w-- O-
M- V- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP t 5? X+ R++ !tv b++(+++) DI++ D+ G e* h++ r+++ y?

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