Kjetil Torgrim Homme wrote:
On Sun, 2006-05-21 at 23:07 +0200, Rudy Gevaert wrote:

I was wondering if there is a sieve proxy. I'm partitionnning my userbase and redirecting every to the correct backup with perdition.

People who are doing the same. How are you redirecting sieve users to the correct mailstore?

we patched avelsieve to lookup correct backend the same way Perdition
does (LDAP in our case).

if you're using Murder, you don't have this problem, since it will proxy
managesieve, too.  (actually it will send a referal, not be a proxy, but
that should only affect your firewall rules.)

Thanks for you reply. We are not going to use Murder. We are going to use IMP and the Horde framework for Webmail. We could hack it the same way.

However how do you resolve the ussues for non webmail clients? (Or aren't there any gui sieve clients?)

Kind regards,

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