At Mon, 12 Jun 2006 16:11:43 -0600,
Michael Loftis wrote:
> Junk.

Well it's not great, though it may be one of the best, but....

>  Same as Outlook and many others, it's not an IMAP client at all.
> Just a NNTP/POP3 reader that can parrot IMAP.  IE it has to download ALL
> headers in a mailbox...which is fine if you've only got a few hundred, but
> try dealing with this on a larger scale, or on a modem.

On that aspect thou I really must disagree.

First off it does know IMAP well enough to do a heck of a log more IMAP
specific things than many/most other so-called IMAP clients I've used.

Second it really doesn't have to download all headers -- just the new
ones  :-)

I used Thunderbird to sort and read all my mail over a 33kbps modem last
summer while on vacation and it wasn't very painful at all, considering
it was a slow dial-up connection.

The report about Thunderbird on Windoze not using the squat index is
interesting though....

                                                Greg A. Woods

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