
I'was thinking that Murder is a very good concept for cyrus...
Till today.

I've started some performance test:

I've 4 MTA with Postfix+Cyrus frontend 2.2.12
4 backend with Cyrus 2.3.6
and 1 Mupdate with cyrus 2.2.12.

I've started with smtp-stone sending
3000 msg (1000 for each of 3 users on 1 backend).

Backend load was very low.

But in this time mupdate have load about 1,5 (why ?)
The concept was that mupdate is only for changing location of
mailboxes... My frontend have information on mailboxes (checked with
ctl_mboxlist -d) but they still are looking in mupdate which causes high load
and SIGSEGV...
Which causes lmtpproxy to drop connecitons and growing queue in postfix...

Am i doing something wrong ?
Authentication is doing by sasl digest-md5 to avoid SQL database performance,
so i think this is no problem..

So why mupdate causes such problems ?

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