>You're options are to
>1. Have lmtpproxyd query the local server for each incoming message.
>This decreases load on the murder master. You do this by creating a
>config file for lmtpproxyd and setting murder master to the
>localhost. Then you just need to get the auth setup.

Can you show me how to configure lmtpproxyd to use localhost as murder


-Jack Xue

Quoting Andrzej Kwiatkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi..
> I'was thinking that Murder is a very good concept for cyrus...
> Till today.
> I've started some performance test:
> I've 4 MTA with Postfix+Cyrus frontend 2.2.12
> 4 backend with Cyrus 2.3.6
> and 1 Mupdate with cyrus 2.2.12.
> I've started with smtp-stone sending
> 3000 msg (1000 for each of 3 users on 1 backend).
> Backend load was very low.
> But in this time mupdate have load about 1,5 (why ?)
> The concept was that mupdate is only for changing location of
> mailboxes... My frontend have information on mailboxes (checked
> with
> ctl_mboxlist -d) but they still are looking in mupdate which
> causes high load
> and SIGSEGV...
> Which causes lmtpproxy to drop connecitons and growing queue in
> postfix...
> Am i doing something wrong ?
> Authentication is doing by sasl digest-md5 to avoid SQL database
> performance,
> so i think this is no problem..
> So why mupdate causes such problems ?
> Thanks
> AK
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