>>>> sender: "Alexander Dalloz" date: "Tue, Jun 27, 2006 at 08:32:52PM
>>>> +0200" <<<EOQ
>> Am Di, den 27.06.2006 schrieb Alexandru E. Ungur um 18:25:
> First of all thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it.
>> Do you use virtdomain support with Cyrus-IMAPd? If not, then appending
>> the realm isn't necessary. Else you too have to run saslauthd with
>> parameter "-r". Your database and SQL statements do not indicate
> Yes, we use virtual domains. However, user and domain are two separate
> fields in the table and I don't really understand how pam_mysql is
> supposed to work with them like that...
> Furthermore, I checked the logs on the old server:
> ============================================================================
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# grep sasl /var/log/messages*|wc
>    2314   27798  320250
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# grep sasl /var/log/messages*|grep AUTHFAIL|wc
>    2304   27709  319358
> So from 2314 entries related to saslauthd, 2304 are reporting an
> error. The rest of 10 are reporting the start/stop of saslauthd...
> So I don't get it. The old server uses saslauthd for authentication
> but all saslauthd does is fail? Or it only logs the failed events?
> The old pam.d/imap is:
> ============================================================================
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cat /etc/pam.d/imap
> auth    optional        /lib/security/pam_mysql.so user=cyrus
> passwd=XXX host= db=email table=popusers
> usercolumn=alias domaincolumn=domain passwdcolumn=password crypt=0
> use_relay_ip=1
> password   required     /lib/security/pam_mysql.so user=cyrus
> passwd=XXX host= db=email table=popusers
> usercolumn=alias domaincolumn=domain passwdcolumn=password crypt=0
> use_relay_ip=1
> But on the latest documentation for pam_mysql, there is no reference to
> domaincolumn. I guess, what I fail to understand is how saslauthd
> passes the appropriate info to pam_mysql and how pam_mysql processes it
> so that it can authenticate against the table based on the USER, DOMAIN
> and PASSWORD *different* columns. I saw that if I run saslauthd with -r
> it tries to authentidate with [EMAIL PROTECTED] against the alias (usercolumn)
> but that won't work with these being separate columns...
> Also I cleaned up imapd.conf and the error log is much cleaner now
> indeed. Here's the cleaned up imapd.conf:
> ============================================================================
> # cat /etc/imapd.conf
> configdirectory: /cyrus/imap
> partition-default: /cyrus/spool
> defaultacl: lrswipcd
> allowanonymouslogin: no
> timeout: 400
> plaintextloginpause: 0
> quotawarn: 90
> autocreatequota: 50000
> singleinstancestore: yes
> drachost: localhost
> dracinterval: 600
> #sasl_pwcheck_method: pam
> sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
> loginrealms: all
> allowplaintext: yes
> sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
> sieveusehomedir: false
> sievedir: /usr/local/sieve
> sieve_maxscriptsize: 32
> sieve_maxscripts: 5
> partition-0: /cyrus/spool/0
> partition-1: /cyrus/spool/1
> And the errors when trying to use cyradm:
> ============================================================================
> # cyradm -u cyrus localhost
> IMAP Password:
>               Login failed: authentication failure at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi/Cyrus/IMAP/Admin.pm
> line 118
> cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with  as cyrus

Make that 'cyradm -user cyrus -auth login localhost'


> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# tail -n40 /var/log/debug
> Jun 28 03:35:44 mailtx1 master[13434]: about to exec
> /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/imapd
> Jun 28 03:35:44 mailtx1 imap[13434]: executed
> Jun 28 03:35:44 mailtx1 imap[13434]: sql_select option missing
> Jun 28 03:35:44 mailtx1 imap[13434]: auxpropfunc error no mechanism
> available
> Jun 28 03:35:44 mailtx1 imap[13434]: _sasl_plugin_load failed on
> sasl_auxprop_plug_init for plugin: sql
> Jun 28 03:35:44 mailtx1 imap[13434]: accepted connection
> Jun 28 03:35:44 mailtx1 perl: No worthy mechs found
> Jun 28 03:35:50 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql - option verbose is
> set to "yes"
> Jun 28 03:35:50 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql - pam_mysql_close_db()
> called.
> Jun 28 03:35:50 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql -
> pam_sm_authenticate() called.
> Jun 28 03:35:50 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql - pam_mysql_open_db()
> called.
> Jun 28 03:35:50 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql - pam_mysql_open_db()
> returning 0.
> Jun 28 03:35:50 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql -
> pam_mysql_check_passwd() called.
> Jun 28 03:35:50 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql -
> pam_mysql_format_string() called
> Jun 28 03:35:50 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql -
> pam_mysql_quick_escape() called.
> Jun 28 03:35:50 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql - SELECT password FROM
> popusers WHERE alias = 'cyrus'
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql -
> pam_mysql_check_passwd() returning 6.
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql - pam_mysql_sql_log()
> called.
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql - pam_mysql_sql_log()
> returning 0.
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql - pam_mysql_converse()
> called.
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql - pam_mysql_open_db()
> called.
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql -
> pam_mysql_check_passwd() called.
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql -
> pam_mysql_format_string() called
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql -
> pam_mysql_quick_escape() called.
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql - SELECT password FROM
> popusers WHERE alias = 'cyrus'
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql -
> pam_mysql_check_passwd() returning 0.
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql - pam_mysql_sql_log()
> called.
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql - pam_mysql_sql_log()
> returning 0.
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql -
> pam_sm_authenticate() returning 0.
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: DEBUG: auth_pam: pam_acct_mgmt
> failed: User account has expired
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql -
> pam_mysql_release_ctx() called.
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql -
> pam_mysql_destroy_ctx() called.
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: pam_mysql - pam_mysql_close_db()
> called.
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 saslauthd[13439]: do_auth         : auth failure:
> [user=cyrus] [service=imap] [realm=] [mech=pam] [reason=PAM acct error]
> Jun 28 03:35:51 mailtx1 imap[13434]: badlogin: localhost []
> plaintext cyrus SASL(-13): authentication fail
> If there's anything else I can do to debug this,
> I'd appreciate any tips/rtfms (with links :D)/etc.
> Also if there's any other simpler/more straight way of using cyrus+
> virtual domains+mysql, where the mysql structure already exists and
> has to be used as it is, that'd be great.
> The table structure is this:
> mysql> describe popusers;
> +----------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
> | Field    | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
> +----------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
> | clientid | int(10) unsigned |      |     | 0       |                |
> | emailid  | int(11)          |      | MUL | NULL    | auto_increment |
> | alias    | char(32)         |      |     |         |                |
> | domain   | char(255)        | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
> | password | char(32)         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
> +----------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+
> Where alias is the username, the rest (domain, password) are self
> explaining.
> Thank you very much,
> Alex
> ----
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