My client and replica are running with
unixhierarchysep: 1
The replica can successfully create the user db with correct quota.
When I remove the account on the client, the replica maillog shows me that :
Jul 17 13:35:40 www syncserver[6820]: LOSTQUOTA: unable to remove quota root xxx.com!user.tester for xxxx.com!user.tester: Mailbox does not exist
I think it ignores the Unix Hierarchysep support.

Hello all,
I have just leant that the virtual user is finally supported in 2.3.7.
My problem is then shifting to that of the virtual user account and the quota are being "transferred" to the Replica or not.
All my virtual users are kept in LDAP, the client (frontend server) reads all information from LDAP.
The replica has no initial IMAP user database, ie. no account and no quota.
Will the cyrus imap create the user db on the replica when the client requests it?
or I have to prepare the user db on the replica first?
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