Well, I'm guessing here, because I never tried a murder setup.

But as I understand: This feature suppresses duplicate mails to the _same mailbox_. So I do not see the sense in a duplicate database which spans over multiple backends. Du you want that if user A on one backend gets an email and then user B on another backend gets the same email, that it will be suppressed? I doubt that. So every murder backend has it's own deliver.db and everything works like in a single server cyrus system.


Vincent Fox schrieb:
Can a murder setup also do duplicate suppression across the backends?

I am in the process of setting up a first murder, and this question came up
in a meeting. We know you can do duplicate suppression on a single server
that info is easily found. I have googled and scanned the archives didn't
see anything discussing duplicates in the context of multiple backends.

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