Hi Kai,

On 14.08.2006, at 22:18, Kai Wang wrote:
We want to restrict some users only to use pop and some users only to use imap. Can anybody tell me how to do that?
the answer to that question heavily depends on your configuration. Because of that I can only give you a pointer to where to start.

You need several imapd.conf files (name them any way you think is appropriate), each of them having different authentication settings - e.g. if you use SASL SQL auxprops sasl_sql_select: SELECT %p FROM mail_user WHERE user='%u' AND realm='%r' AND imap=1
or something similar.

In case you want people to be able to use webmail, you will need a private imap service that's only available to the webmailer - e.g. on localhost. The config for that service must be set in a way that everybody can login.

Then create different services in cyrus.conf that specify your config files.
=== cyrus.conf
  # add or remove based on preferences
  # services (INTRANET)
imaps cmd="/usr/local/bin/imapd -C /etc/imapd-imap.conf -s" listen="imaps" prefork=3 imap cmd="/usr/local/bin/imapd -C /etc/imapd-imap.conf" listen="exthostname:imap" prefork=1 imap-webmail cmd="/usr/local/bin/imapd -C /etc/imapd-webmail.conf" listen="localhost:imap" prefork=1 pop3 cmd="/usr/local/bin/popd -C /etc/imapd-webmail.conf" listen="pop3" prefork=1

Hope that helps,

Baltasar Cevc

_____ former 03 gmbh
_____ infanteriestraße 19 haus 6 eg
_____ D-80797 muenchen

_____ http://www.former03.de

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