Am Thursday 28 September 2006 12:27 schrieb Ramprasad:

> I have a cyrus 2.3.7 server running on linux ( centos) with virtual
> domains
> If I have try to setacls to a virtual domain-id it is not working
> >From cyradm this is the error I am getting
> -----------------------------
> cyradm  --user=cyrus localhost
> IMAP Password:
> localhost> sam user/alm1 [EMAIL PROTECTED] all
> setaclmailbox: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: lrswipkxtea: Invalid identifier
> -----------------------
> Do I need to escape the '@' in some special way in the id

I would guess "" and the Default-DOmain are Diffrent?

From doc/text/install-virtdomains:

     * Domains are mutually exclusive - Users only have access to
        mailboxes within their own domain (intra-domain). The following
        example will not work: setacl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] read.

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