On Fri, 2006-11-17 at 15:02 +0200, Stoyan Tzalev wrote:
> На Tuesday 14 November 2006 21:35 Adam Tauno Williams написа:
> > > > Looking for a web management interface to cyrus-imap, one that
> > > > allows domain admins to add/del email accounts etc.  Cyrus-Imap 2.3
> > > > + Sendmail The ones we've found on google all seem to refer to exim
> > > > or postfix.
> ...
> >
> > Horde is a webmail app,  but it also supports most administrative
> > functionality.
> Coluld you be a bit more specific,please? For example which horde auth 
> backends are usable? 

It has more authentication modes than any other package I've seen.

> Ok,I know this is the wrong list,but the horde 
> documentation is IMHO somewhat insufficient and outdated...

It sucks, to be blunt.

>  I was looking for a simple way to create/delete users,read other user's 
> mail, 

Yes - you can manage users;  change the permissions on folders,
subscribe and unsubscribe to folders, change SIEVE filters (including
other user's filters).  You can at least view quota information, I
believe you can change those settings if you are an administrator.

> and maybe managing IMAP quotas. The system consists of cyrus 
> imapd/sendmail/PAM authentication via saslauthd.

Horde can authenticate users by checking to see if it can establish an
IMAP connection;  so it can use whatever Cyrus is configured to use.  Or
it can use a database (aka SQL/RDBMS) for users, or an LDAP server.

> I'd love to hear some success stories...
> 10x in advance,
> Stoyan
> P.S. No,LDAP is not a simple enough solution :)

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