Simon Matter wrote:
This may not be too important for anyone any more, I had some weirdness
with quotas wehn upgrading from 2.1.15 to 2.2.12.

At first I thought that all my quotas were somehow lost during the
upgrade.  Originally I thought this might have been because I
inadvertently left the Cyrus master daemon turned on when I first
rebooted the system back to multi-user mode.  It seemed as though the
quotas.db file, was completely empty after the aborted run of the new
version prior to DB conversion.  Hmmm....  hang on, maybe that's also
because the old version had been configured to use quotalegacy by
default, which are the individual files in /var/quota/?/user.*; but the
new version was configured to use a skiplist DB by default, and the
actual setting was never present in the config file.

Not thinking about the quotalegacy issue (because I was too tired) I
simply re-assigned the quotas manually using the cyradm interface, shut
down master, then used "quota -f" to recover the usage numbers.  However
during recovery I noted some very strange things happening with the
"quota -f" runs.  The first time I ran "quota -f" without any mailboxes
then it seemed to whack the usage numbers by a factor of two (I can't
remember which way) on the mailboxes where I had already done a test run
of "quota -f user.USER".

I saw things like that more than once and I never figured out what exactly
has triggered it and which versions of cyrus were affected. However, I
found a general rule which seems important at least it was so when I last
had a problem with quotas with 2.3.7:
Always make sure that your metadata is clean before using quota -f. If in
doubt, run reconstruct first. This seems to also be the case after some
upgrades. So for me I'm now always doing a reconstruct before a quota -f.
This can takes dozens of hours on large systems but better than having
broken quotas for such a long period.

Simon et all,

Our site had a huge failure (we lost the config directory /var/imap) this weekend. We are now back running with a recovered mailboxes.db en *.sub files for our users (we didn't use reconstruct as that would take to long, 800Gigs of mail).

The only thing still lacking is correct quotas. I set the quota for each mailbox to 'none' (to get everything working). Now I want to add a correct quota number. However I can set it with 'sq user.login x'. But requesting the quota gives me: tarzan> lq user.rgevaert
 STORAGE 0/2000000 (0%)

I am sure to have several megabytes. I looks like I have to run the quota program.

Before doing it on the full system I would like to run it for my own mailbox. But:

     Running quota with both the  -f  option  and  mailbox-prefix
     arguments is not recommended.

I'm running:

name       : Cyrus IMAPD
version    : v2.1.18 2005/02/14 06:45:19

Do you have any ideas what the consequences would be if I ran quota -f user.login on the running system?

Thanks in advance,
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Rudy Gevaert          [EMAIL PROTECTED]          tel:+32 9 264 4734
Directie ICT, afd. Infrastructuur ICT Department, Infrastructure office
Groep Systemen                    Systems group
Universiteit Gent                 Ghent University
Krijgslaan 281, gebouw S9, 9000 Gent, Belgie     
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