while trying to setup cyrus replication
i am getting the following error
on the secondary server ( the one that is getting a copy of everything)

Dec  9 12:35:34 mars master[7701]: about to exec 
Dec  9 12:35:34 mars syncserver[7701]: executed
Dec  9 12:35:34 mars syncserver[7701]: accepted connection
Dec  9 12:35:34 mars syncserver[7701]: cmdloop(): startup
Dec  9 12:35:34 mars master[7694]: process 7701 exited, status 75
Dec  9 12:35:34 mars master[7694]: service syncserver pid 7701 in BUSY
state: terminated abnormally

here are the settings from both imapd.conf and cyrus.conf
for both master and backup server.

master server
(from where everything is being copied)


under START section:
syncclient    cmd="/usr/local/cyrus/bin/sync_client -r -t"


#replication configurations
sync_host: server.mydomain.com
sync_authname: cyrus
sync_passwd: password
sync_machineid: 1
sync_log: 1

(to where everything is bein copied)

syncserver    cmd="sync_server" listen="csync"

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