Andreas Winkelmann schrieb:

Hmm, you can use ldapdb. Then you can specify multiple authz-regexp In slapd.conf. Seperate them somehow in the Matching-Pattern.
That's what I would recommend too.

I havn't tested this, but I think it's a try worth.
It works.
Slapd converts the the SASL uid for u. Create a general regexp for the user, which points to something like cn=$1,ou=users,dc=mailservices and a special regexp for uid admin (or cyrus ...), which points to cn=admin,dc=mailservices.

>> What do I have to enter at "admins" in /etc/imapd.conf?
Something that matches your special regexp. In my following example it is cyrus.

I.e. <snip>
authz-regexp uid=cyrus,cn=[^,]*,cn=auth
authz-regexp uid=([^,]*),cn=[^,]*,cn=auth

Ask man slap.conf for "authz-policy" and "authz-regexp". And man slapd.access.


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