Ok! It's Working fine! Thanks!

Another things i try to make:

I'd like to create shared maillbox acl by group.
for example
sam maillist group:mygroup lprs

it doesn't work.

I use saslauthd to authenticate my user on the server. I also
got group on my ldap server.

Who can i make cyrus to check group on my ldap?

Is it possible to make it with cyrus-saslauthd (as i'm using
for my user) or do i have to use pts auxprop , ldap ptloader?
where can i get more documentation about it? (man imapd.conf
is not very expressive about it)

I user cyrus-imapd 2.3.37
and cyrus-sasauthd 2.1.22


---------- Debut du message initial -----------

A      : "info-cyrus" info-cyrus@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Copies :
Date   : Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:33:36 +0100
Objet  : RE: Cyrus Imapd shared folders question

> > My user toto is able to subscride on it and read mail and
> > also put mails in it if i put correct rights on it.
> >
> >
> > My question is : is there a way to be able to send mail to
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] directly and then mail be stored on this
> > shared folders?
> >
> > When i do that : i get this error messages :
> >
> > imaptest postfix/pipe[14141]: 13D3898041E:
> > to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=cyrus, delay=0, status=bounced
> > (data format error.
> > Command output: maillist: Mailbox does not exist )
> Search for "plus addressing". E.g. if you're using Postfix
you can put:
> maillist              +yourSharedFolder
> ... in virtual_alias.
> Make sure you've given anonymous "p" rights so that delivery
can take place.
> ----
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> Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/twiki
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