Actually, I'm not sure if the Centos4 RPMS come with the autocreate patch.  I 
assume they don't.  I'm actually thinking of building this from source as I've 
done with most of my other installs anyway.

I'll use the examples you've provided as well.

What's been tough for me is that on another Centos install, I haven't had any 
issue.  Looking into autocreateinboxfolders is a workaround for me because I 
keep getting permission denied errors with squirrelmail and outlook doesn't 
create those folders either.  For some reason, on my other configurations, I 
haven't had this issue.

so, off to build from source and see what happens then.

----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Dial <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 3/21/2007 9:52am
Cc: Cyrus User's Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: Autocreateinboxfolders not being autocreated

having recently made this mistake, are you sure centos4 comes with the
autocreate patches in their rpm?  If not you'll need to recompile.

another thing to check, i believe autocreate* requires that
autocreatequota as well.  Here is the relevant part of my config you may
want ot use ase a basis since i have it working

allowallsubscribe: 1
autocreateinboxfolders: Drafts|Sent Items
autosubscribesharedfolders: Projects
altnamespace: 1
sharedprefix: Shared Folders
autocreatequota: 100000000

Jonathan Villa wrote:
> Ok, I've listed the following in my imapd.conf file
> autocreateinboxfolders: Sent|Trash|Drafts
> autosubscribeinboxfolders: Sent|Trash|Drafts
> createonpost:1
> (aside from other options as well) but yet those folders are not being
> autocreated.
> The Trash folder is being created, with or without those options, but
> the rest are not.  Am I missing something?
> I'm using RPM installs of postfix and cyrus-imapd on Centos 4.
> I also have unixhierarchysep set to yes if that means anything.  Weird
> thing is that in my other configs, it works just fine.  This is a
> straight forward install.
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