> > >   2. Which filesystem seems to be the better ? ext3 ? xfs ?
> > reiserfs ?
> > We are using xfs.
> I tested xfs before going back to reiserfs.  I found the performance to
> be acceptable aside from quite miserable backup performance once backups
> kicked off.  (Although reiserfs is now pretty miserable, struggling to
> pull 1MB/s off of fibre channel.)  How does your experience compare?

We used XFS for a very long time,  but in the last server upgrade
switched to indexed ext3.  Not because of any specific problems with XFS
but because development & bug-fixing seems/seemed to have flat-lined and
I didn't want to get stuck with what was basically an unsupported
filesystem on a critical production system.  There are advantages to
being in the mainstream. :)

But I never had any performance problems with XFS, certainly not
regarding backup.  Throughput was much higher than 1Mb/s [which seems
ridiculously slow,  I'd suspect something else was in play].

XFS is still my favorite filesystem, with good performance, real tools,
and excellent EA support;  but I can't justify using it in production
anymore.  Actually I think XFS is the only filesystem with really
enterprise grade tools: with the ability to defrag, freeze, and grow on
the fly.

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