On Thu, Apr 26, 2007 at 12:07:20PM +0400, Dmitriy Kirhlarov wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 26, 2007 at 12:14:13PM +0530, ram wrote:
> > On our cyrus server some users need access from office as well as from
> > outside our LAN. So we nat the imap port on our firewall and people are
> > able to access 
> > 
> > But Contract employees need not access mails from outside the office.
> > How can I allow access for such users only from the office
> Cyrus imapd doesn't have source ip filter feature, afaik and support
> only one authorization group (ldap_filter).
> With this reason you have to use some tric.
> You need to configure two access groups and two cyrus servers (with
> replication or murder configuration) and use different groups on this
> servers.
> Possible, some imap proxy can be configured for using second group.

O-ops.. :)

public          cmd="imapd -C /public.imapd.conf"       listen=public_ip:imap
private         cmd=imapd                               listen=private_ip:imap

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