
I'm trying to use sieve to setup a vacation message.   The important  
parameters for delivery (from what I've gathered from a search of the  
archive) are:

cyrus-imapd version 2.2.12  this is a packaged version from RHEL version 4.
I'm using postfix 2.2.10-1 as the delivery agent.  cyrus is setup to  
run lmtp and postfix is delivering directly to cyrus lmtp.  postfix  
smtp is delivering via lmtp on the same host.

e.g. postfix/main.cf


lmtp          cmd="lmtpd" listen="FQDN:lmtp" prefork=1

Everything seems to be working great except sieve vacation.  Sieve is  
filtering mail properly, but when vacation is setup, I don't see any  
attempt from sieve to actually create an e-mail.  Here is the sieve  
vacation instruction:

# Vacation
vacation :days 7 :addresses ["[EMAIL PROTECTED]",  
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"] :subject "not here" "I'm away.  I will  
return in 7 days. ";

I don't see any errors in the log files and I see no message ever  
recieved by the  postfix daemon from the sieve filter.   The  
/usr/lib/sendmail executable is setup to sendmail.postfix and this  
executable sends mail properly if executed outside of sieve.

I've searched some of the archive but I've been able to find any  
solution to this problem.  If it matters, the script is created by  
horde/ingo 1.8.10.

Please advise.

Jeff McDonald

Jeffrey McDonald, PhD                   School of Computational Science
Computer Research Specialist            High Performance Computing Manager
450 Dirac Science Library               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Florida State University                Tallahassee, FL 32303-4120
phone: +1 850-644-5559                  fax:   +1 850-644-0098

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