Hi guys,
I'm currently playing around with cyrus 2.3.9 and replication. It seems quite 
stable and in fact, perfectly usable. However, I ran into a problem with 
the delayed expunge feature. It looks like this - when I delete a mail (via 
IMAP) on the master, the same happens on the replica, as it should. Then I 
use the unexpunge utility to list deleted mails (both on the master and 
replica) and they are being displayed correctly - i.e. same number of deleted 
msgs, same msg UIDs, etc. Then I  use unexpunge to "undelete" a mail, and it 
works great - the msg appears as new on the master. However, it remains 
deleted on the replica...
I guess it's a problem when bringing the replica up as a master after a 
failure, because the previously unexpunged mail on the master would appear as 
deleted. So my question is: Is this behaviour expected/planned? I mean, is it 
a feature or a bug ;)

Any input is greatly appreciated.


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