I had looked into this before, but really haven't had a chance to  
follow up on it.

There is an draft for a sieve date/time extension, which allows you to  
use time comparisons in conditionals -- for example, the vacation  
message defined by a date range.  This looks like its the current  
version of the draft:


On Nov 13, 2007, at 06:24, Ian G Batten wrote:

> We've been having a chat about how useful it would be to have timed
> actions in sieve: so that a vacation message could be set up for a
> duration which would automatically revert, so that a forwarding could
> be set up for the duration of a short-term project, etc, etc.  The
> naive way is to add support to the sieve interface of choice (the
> squirrelmail plugin in our case) to handle deferred actions, but I
> can think of all sorts of security problems with that.  Another would
> be a means to auto-generate regexps to match on Date: headers, but
> that's really tacky.  The full solution would be to have the current
> time available in sieve scripts, to then match on.  Has anyone else
> thought about this area?
> ian
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