--On 16. November 2007 13:54:24 +0100 Alain Spineux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Nov 16, 2007 12:36 PM, Sebastian Hagedorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I just had a discussion with a colleague regarding this. He made two

1. In the absence of the SO_KEEPALIVE option it is entirely possible
that a TCP connection remains ESTABLISHED even when the other side has

I said that socket should timeout, but this is true only when the
protocol (TCP here)
require a response (usualy AK here) or at connection establishement.


On the contrary
it should stay open indefinitely util something happens. Router doing
NAT can drop
a too old connection, because it has to maintains a NAT table and make
some cleanup time to time, this where "KEEPALIVE" become usefull.

Not only there, but I think also in the case of unilaterally dropped connections.

This may not be a solution to this particular problem, but it made me
wonder why Cyrus does *not* use SO_KEEPALIVE. Is there a downside to it?

Cyrus has already a built-in time out, it seems a lite conflicting to
actively maintains the connection until it drop it itself !

I'm not sure I understand that sentence.

This is the works of the client to actively maintains the connection,
if it want it !

Yes, but what if the client is gone? I realise that *normally* the server keeps a built-in timeout, but I'm guessing that sometimes it doesn't work, perhaps because something (in prot_fill() perhaps?) blocks.

I think I will try one more approach: I reverted cyrus.conf to not use
"-U 1" anymore, so that processes should be reused. I will strace one of
the pop3d processes in the hope that it gets stuck. That way I should be
able to see where things go wrong. If the process terminates normally I
will try with another one. If that doesn't go anywhere, I guess I'll
drop this

You could try to replace imapd by a home made script, something like .

mv imapd imapd_
echo exec strace -o /tmp/imapd.$$ imapd_ $* > imapd
chmod imapd a+x

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll think about it, although I'm wary of doing that on a production server.

investigation. We will upgrade to RHEL 5 some time next year, so
hopefully that will bring new bugs :-)

Sorry but I dont understand what you are complaining about!

I'm not complaining ...

Is-it because the imap or pop client is loosing its connection and
this disturb the user


or just because you are getting some sleeping processes ?

If it were "some" I wouldn't worry. I'm talking hundreds of processes! I know I can kill them, in fact for the pop3d processes we run this command once a month:

ps -C pop3d -o pid,start|grep [a-z]|awk '{print $1}'|xargs kill

(It kills pop3d processes that have the month in their start time, i.e. are more than a day old)

But for imapd processes it's not as easy to tell if they are just long-living or stuck.

Do you have a "timeout" option in your imapd.conf to force the
imap/pop server to autologout ?

No. But both POP and IMAP have default timeouts. They just don't work in my case.
    .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - RZKR-R1 (Gebäude 52), Zimmer 18.:.
Zentrum für angewandte Informatik - Universitätsweiter Service RRZK
.:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-478-5587.:.
                  .:.:.:.Skype: shagedorn.:.:.:.

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