> Hi,
> Have been googling for a while now on murder and trying a test set it
> up on fedora + Mailscanner + postfix + ldap.
> when I run
> mupdatetest -u murder -a murder -w murder master (where murder is the
> username and passwd and master is the name  of the master mc defined
> in /etc/hosts file.) All seems to worl fine from the fronend as well
> as the backend I can authenticate.
> The problem arises when I try to send mails from the front end I keep
> getting a  error
> Nov 23 12:28:59 location postfix/lmtp[19396]: 2DE2E11E5C6:
> to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=none, delay=68543,
> delays=68542/0.37/0/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to
> location.exampledomain.com[/var/imap/socket/lmtp]: Connection refused)
> Cant seem to figure this one out... Has any one faced the same problem
> before?

Is your postfix running chrooted? If yes check in master.cf that at least
lmtp is not running chrooted.


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