Ken Murchison wrote:
> Juergen Kreileder wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a quite large folder hierarchy.  On mobile clients I'd like to
>> have a limited view on this hierarchy, i.e. I'd like to see only
>> important folders.  Unfortunately the mobile clients don't understand
>> subscriptions.
>> So, how would I go on to get a different limited view on my mailboxes.
> Enable the 'imapmagicplus' option in imapd.conf.  Then authenticate with
> 'userid+' in your mobile client.  This will cause the server to only
> LIST subscribed mailboxes.  Outlook on my Treo still sucks, but this
> makes it slightly less so.

Thanks!  Good that I just updated from Debian sarge (i.e. cyrus 2.1).


Juergen Kreileder, Blackdown Java-Linux Team
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