The stock unexpunge prints the searchable data available in the cache. The attached patch (to 2.3.8, I haven't checked to see if it ports forward cleanly to 2.3.11) adds a -H flag to indicate that the "human readable" fiends should be read from the cached envelop and printed. If you open a bug and cc me on it, I'll post this patch there.


Attachment: unexpunge-H.diff
Description: Binary data

On 17 Dec 2007, at 04:02, Janne Peltonen wrote:
On Mon, Dec 17, 2007 at 09:16:49AM +0100, Rudy Gevaert wrote:
When doing unuxpunge -l it doesn't show the spaces e.g. in the subject line.

Could someone confirme this, so I can file a bug report.

I'm running 2.3.10

same here, 2.3.8

it also doesn't differantiate case, that is, everything is in lower case

don't find this much of a problem, though - and suspect it might be
problematic to correct this (then again, haven't looked at the code)
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