On Wed, 9 Jan 2008, Mike Eggleston wrote:

> Ok so 'user/%/spam' only matches user/$user/spam.
> Using 'user/*/spam' matches user/$user/.../spam, right?
> Must I use '/' in the pattern or can/do I use '.'?

I use unixhiersep, hence '/'. If you don't, use '.'

> Is there some undocumented feature like a '-n' to ipurge so I can test 
> what this command does without erasing all my user's messages in the 
> 'test'?

Try it on a test system first :).

ipurge gives a fairly decent running commentary about the mailboxes it is 
processing. You could always take the source code and comment out the 
mailbox_expunge() if you want to test on a live system.

David Carter                             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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