Hi Wes,

> The above should be:
> ldap_member_method: filter
> ldap_member_filter: (member=%D)
> ldap_member_attribute: cn
> ldap_member_base: ou=Gruppen,o=physik
> This assumes you'd like the groups to be know by their cn.
One more point, I found out that its possible to set "ldap_size_limit", then 
ptloader get's back the correct answer from the server (as i can see with 
wireshark), but then ptloader seems to crash:

May  6 22:39:08 test-imap imap[9568]: starttls: TLSv1 with cipher AES256-SHA 
(256/256 bits new) no authentication
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap imap[9568]: ptload(): pinging ptloader
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap imap[9568]: connected with no delay
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap imap[9568]: ptload(): connected
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap imap[9568]: timeout_select: sock = 17, rp = 0x0, wp 
= 0xbf96efd4, sec = 30
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap imap[9568]: timeout_select exiting. r = 1; errno = 0
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap imap[9568]: ptload sent data
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap imap[9568]: timeout_select: sock = 17, rp = 
0xbf96f054, wp = 0x0, sec = 30
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap ptloader[9567]: accepted connection
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap imap[9568]: timeout_select exiting. r = 1; errno = 0
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap imap[9568]: ptload read data back
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap imap[9568]: ptload(): empty response from ptloader 
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap imap[9568]: No data available at all from ptload()
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap imap[9568]: ptload completely failed: unable to 
canonify identifier: klaus.steinberger
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap imap[9568]: badlogin: pb-d-128-141-130-171.cern.ch 
[] plaintext klaus.steinberger invalid user
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap master[9556]: process 9567 exited, signaled to death 
by 11
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap master[9556]: service ptloader pid 9567 in READY 
state: terminated abnormally
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap master[9614]: about to 
exec /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/ptloader
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap ptloader[9614]: executed
May  6 22:39:18 test-imap ptloader[9614]: starting: $Id: ptloader.c,v 
2005/02/25 07:19:06 shadow Exp $


Klaus Steinberger         Beschleunigerlaboratorium
Phone: (+49 89)289 14287  Am Coulombwall 6, D-85748 Garching, Germany
FAX:   (+49 89)289 14280  EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL: http://www.physik.uni-muenchen.de/~Klaus.Steinberger/

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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