2009/4/14 Joseph Brennan <bren...@columbia.edu>

> Strange to see so many logins spread over a short time.  They seem to
> be in pairs, which is the way some clients start up.  I wonder if the
> client thinks the connection has dropped, and so it starts new sessions.
> I realize the server's netstat shows them as still connected.
> It might be interesting to log sessions and see what's going on.  Or
> to strace live processes.  And of course ask the user what it looks
> like from his/her end.

That's what I will do. But I'm  trying to find configuration options to get
the server stronger faced to bad behaved clients. I've seen once entourage
on macosx ignoring 5xx code from our smtp server, and trying to upload a
50Mo file every minute.
I don't know what will be this one.


> Joseph Brennan
> Lead Email Systems Engineer
> Columbia University Information Technology
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