Christophe Boyanique schrieb:
> In fact I managaged to solve the problem by removing the quota file in
> /var/lib/imap/quota/x/<user>/ and using "quota -f" on the mailboxes.

So the quota file was corrupt. Ok. Do you really use DB4 quota files?

> But I still get repeating error messages like this:
> Jul  7 14:58:51 mail7702 lmtpunix[8988]: DBERROR db4: 9 lockers
> Jul  7 15:04:24 mail7702 lmtpunix[9249]: DBERROR db4: 11 lockers
> Should I be worried by these messages ?

No. In fact they are not errors but informational messages, so in newer 
versions of cyrus imapd you will see

Jul  8 15:39:28 atlanta lmtpunix[29159]: [ID 366844] DBMSG: 
2279 lockers
Jul  8 15:51:34 atlanta lmtpunix[29077]: [ID 366844] DBMSG: 
2249 lockers
Jul  8 18:12:14 atlanta lmtpunix[4289]: [ID 366844] DBMSG: 
1583 lockers

lmtpunix wants to open delivery.db which normally is a DB4 backed 
database unless you have changed the default in imapd.conf.

Some old DB4 version had the problem of not releasing these locks so 
there was an overflow after some time. If the number of lockers keep 
growing without every becoming smaller from time to time you are running 
in this bug.

Pascal Gienger
University of Konstanz, IT Services Department ("Rechenzentrum")
Electronic Communications and Web Services
Building V, Room V404, Phone +49 7531 88 5048, Fax +49 7531 88 3739
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