Thanks Dan,

You hit the nail on the head with the virtual domains. I had someone come
in to set this up for me and when I found out they knew as little as I did I
took it over. There was a lot to do and moving over to vitual domains I was
originally going to do immediatly but later decided to make it a second step.
However, I didn't realise that I had left virtualdomains set to true.

So, I removed all the data files (since there was no live data yet), turned 
off virtualdomains (and autocreatequota since it's not needed) and then 
reran mkimap. With all the data and structures recreated from scratch all 
the problem seem to have gone away. Now I'll setup the Virtual domains 
as you suggested and I'll bet it will all be fine.

Thanks again!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 10:18:28 AM, you wrote:

> Nybbles2Byte wrote:
>> However, it stopped receiving messages after two tests and looking at 
>> the logs it said it was at it's quota limit so I went back to cyradm 
>> to set the quota (I didn't bother the first time so it was at zero) 
>> and I got a "quota permission denied" error. This was from the same 
>> admin, I created the user with and it showed that the admin had all 
>> rights.

>> I then used the admin to create another user and immediately tried to 
>> set the quota of that new user and got the same permission denied 
>> error. I could however remove the user that I could no set the quota for. 

> Below, you've specified 'altnamespace: 1'. When connecting via an admin
> user, altnamespace is ignored, which may complicate what you're 
> expecting to see.

> Also, you've specified 'autocreatequota: 5', which limits the user to 
> 5KBs of space.

> What do your cyradm createmailbox and setquota commands look like?

> You have 'virtdomains: on'. Personally, I prefer configuring 
> 'virtdomains: userid'. 'doc/install-virtdomains.html' within the source
> documents the difference. It might matter when connecting as an admin 
> user (without specifying a domain name).

>> That is my first problem but I have two other as follow:

>> Sieve is not working when I try to telnet to it and I get this error:

>> neutrino:~ # telnet sieve
>> Trying nnn.nn.nn.nn...
>> telnet: connect to address nnn.nn.nn.nn: Connection refused

> Your sieve entry in cyrus.conf looks correct. Verify that the service is
> running with 'fuser 2000/tcp' or 'netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep 
> 2000'. If not, there should be something in syslog about why it couldn't
> start. Locate where your cyrus binaries are installed (/usr/sbin ?) and
> verify there's a timesieved binary located there.

> Also, stop cyrus, and make sure something else isn't already listening
> on port 2000, like inetd or xinetd.

> If it is starting, but crashing somewhere, you can use the debug_command
> (in imapd.conf) to trouble shoot. See:


> for some usage scenarios.
>> The last thing is I am getting a "badlogin" error in my cyrus log as 
>> you can see below:

>> Jul  8 08:12:00 neutrino SeoWS/imap[20686]: badlogin: localhost 
>> [] CRAM-MD5 [SASL(-13): user not found: no secret in database]
>> Jul  8 08:12:00 neutrino SeoWS/imap[20694]: sql auxprop plugin using 
>> mysql engine
>> Jul  8 08:12:03 neutrino SeoWS/imap[20686]: sql plugin Parse the 
>> username reg

> I don't know what that could be.

> - Dan

>> # UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put into /var/lib/imap/socket
>>   imap                   cmd="imapd"         listen="imap"       
>>  prefork=0
>> # imaps                cmd="imapd -s"        listen="imaps"       
>>  prefork=0
>> # pop3                cmd="pop3d"        listen="pop3"        prefork=0
>> # pop3s                cmd="pop3d -s"        listen="pop3s"       
>>  prefork=0
>>   sieve                cmd="timsieved"        listen="sieve"       
>>  prefork=0
>>   lmtpunix        cmd="lmtpd"        
>>  listen="/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=0
>>   notify        cmd="notifyd"        
>>  listen="/var/lib/imap/socket/notify" proto="udp" prefork=0
>> }

>> *altnamespace: 1
>> autocreatequota: 5
>> unixhierarchysep: 1
>> virtdomains: on

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