On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 5:33 AM, Carsten Hoeger<choe...@open-xchange.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently trying to find out how to use cyr_expire in combination with
> annotations exluding one single subfolder per mailbox.
> I'm running RHEL5 with v2.3.7-Invoca-RPM-2.3.7-2.el5_3.2.
> What I did:
> . setannotation "user/test1001" "/vendor/cmu/cyrus-imapd/expire" 
> ("value.shared" "1")
> . OK Completed
> . getannotation user/test1001 "/vendor/cmu/cyrus-imapd/expire" "value.shared"
> * ANNOTATION "user/test1001" "/vendor/cmu/cyrus-imapd/expire" ("value.shared" 
> "1")
> . OK Completed
> Now I want to exclude the "Sent Items" folder from expiring, so I did
> . setannotation "user/test1001/Sent Items" "/vendor/cmu/cyrus-imapd/expire" 
> ("value.shared" NIL)
> . OK Completed
> But that does not work:
> $ su - cyrus -c '/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/cyr_expire -E 3 -v'
> expiring messages in user.test1001 older than 1 days
> expiring messages in user.test1001.Drafts older than 1 days
> expiring messages in user.test1001.Junk older than 1 days
> expiring messages in user.test1001.Sent Items older than 1 days
> expiring messages in user.test1001.Trash older than 1 days
> expiring messages in user.test1001.confirmed-ham older than 1 days
> expiring messages in user.test1001.confirmed-spam older than 1 days
> expiring messages in user.test1001.subfolder older than 1 days
> expiring messages in user.test1001.subfolder.subsubfolder older than 1 days
> expiring messages in user.test1001.subfolder.subsubfolder.subsubsubfolder 
> older than 1 days
> In the cyr_expire manpage I read:
> [...]
> The  value  of  the /vendor/cmu/cyrus-imapd/expire annotation is inherited by
> all children of the given mailbox, so an entire mailbox tree can be expired by
> seting a single annotation on the root of that tree.  If a mailbox does not
> have a /vendor/cmu/cyrus-imapd/expire annotation set on it (or does not
> inherit then no messages are expired from the mailbox.
> [...]
> I found no further resources describing how to achieve what I want.
> Is that possible at all?

Don't set expire for user (root) mailbox, only to "user/test1001/Sent Items".

If you really want expire anothers mailbox with 1 day, then the easy
way is set high value to "user/test1001/Sent Items".

Read the cyr_expire man to learn the option to enable annotation flag.
By default expire annotation is ignored.

Reinaldo de Carvalho

"Don't try to adapt the software to the way you work, but rather
yourself to the way the software works" (myself)
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