On 11/11/09 13:08 -0600, Mike Eggleston wrote:
>One user is out sick, another user asked me to search the first user's
>email for a specific message. If I had found that message and the second
>user wanted to access that message in the second user's normal INBOX
>would I do this:
># cd /var/spool/imap/a/user/auser
># cp 999999. /var/spool/imap/b/user/buser
># su - cyrus
># reconstruct -r user.buser
># exit
># exit
>The message was not found, so no urgent need for this. I want to know
>how for next time.

pinky:~# imtest -a cyrus localhost
S: A01 OK Success (privacy protection)
Security strength factor: 128
111 select user.auser
111 OK [READ-WRITE] Completed
222 uid copy 999999 user.buser
222 OK [COPYUID 1089193296 1 1480] Completed
333 logout
* BYE LOGOUT received
333 OK Completed
Connection closed.

Where 'cyrus' is an admin.

Dan White
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