Quoting nunatarsuaq <nunatars...@gmail.com>:

Found a partial solution:

1. In my case the filter script should refer to user's mailbox as
2. Then I used sievec to create bytecode file for a particular user's sieve dir:

/usr/lib/cyrus/bin/sievec sieve.filter /var/lib/sieve/U/USERNAME/defaultbc

That's it. The filtering started working. Strange though...
I don't get it why it doesn't work using sieveshell and a regular text
script file.

Did you activate the script?

defaultbc is normaly a softlink to the active script bytecode

Anyway I'd prefer to have a main filter file for all users that would
move all spam-marked messages to Spam folder in each mailbox.

Any ideas?


2009/11/17 nunatarsuaq <nunatars...@gmail.com>:

I'm still having problem with getting the filtering working

Even though the script can be loaded it doesn't work.
I'm trying

if header :contains ["Subject"] "test" {
        fileinto "Junk";

if header :contains ["Subject"] "test" {
        fileinto "user/testowy/Junk";

if header :contains ["Subject"] "test" {
        fileinto "user.testowy.Junk";


if header :contains ["Subject"] "test" {
        fileinto "user/testowy.Junk";

None method works. Is there a bad syntax somewhere?
I noticed that when working on imap accounts (using reconstruct
command for example) I need to type user/USERNAME instead of
user.USERNAME found everywhere on the web.

Going further I'd like to set up a filter moving messages marked as
spam for all users.
How should it be installed?


2009/11/16 Simon Matter <simon.mat...@invoca.ch>:
Hello to everybody

I'm a new user here and found this list while searching for solution
to my problem.

I have a running mail server with postfix and cyrus-imap and would
like to start filtering incoming messages on the server side.
I tried to put a filter using sieve shell according to this tutorial
http://wiki.linuxwall.info/doku.php/en:ressources:astuces:sieve but
with no results.

Here's my configuration:

I created a file with a sieve filter:

if header :contains "X-Spam-Flag" "YES" {
 fileinto "Junk";

I think your script should start with a require line. Do you have it?


I tried also type fileinto as "user.USERNAME.Junk",
"user/USERNAME.Junk" and "user/USERNAME/Junk")

Now when I invoke

# sieveshell -u cyrus -a cyrus localhost (tried also with a user
than cyrus)

and type

put sieve_filter

I get an error:

upload failed: put script: script errors:
line 2: fileinto not required

What does it really mean?
What can be done to get it working?

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