On Fri, Jan 15, James B. Byrne wrote:

> I run cyrus-imapd under CentOS-4.8 (a RedHat el4 clone).  I am
> trying to discover if there is any way to purge a user's INBOX of
> old and over-sized messages without affecting the contents of any
> subfolders thereof.
> I have looked at impurge as the mechanism. However,my reading of the
> man page, and of online discussions relating to this matter,
> indicate that in order for impurge to remove any mail from the INBOX
> then the -f switch has to be passed.  But, I also gather that
> whenever the -f switch is used then ALL subfolders of the target
> directory are purged recursively as well.
> This strikes me as a rather odd combination of attributes but I
> cannot see any way to prevent recursion if the -f switch is used. 
> What is the recommended way to purge mail from a user's INBOX only
> using criteria such as age and size?

You are not the only one searching for a better control of what ipurge should
I created a feature request for that and submitted a patch to the cmu


This is the link to the patch including documentation in the manpage:


With best regards,

Carsten Hoeger

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