On 9/3/10 4:25 PM, Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) wrote:
> Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) wrote:
>> Dave McMurtrie wrote:
>>> Good morning,
>>> I'm pleased to announce that we are migrating over to a new website and
>>> bugzilla server today.
>> Hi Dave,
>> I'm missing CLOSED - DEFERRED bug statuses, for bugs that just have
>> insufficient follow-up.
>> I'm not sure it was there on the old infrastructure, but I would certainly
>> like to have it.
> Further down the road;
> - I cannot go to CLOSED immediately, but have to go through RESOLVED, which is
> wrong of sorts in some cases.
> - I notice there is no RESOLVED/CLOSED - NEXTRELEASE for RFE tickets.
> - Between NEW and ASSIGNED can be CONFIRMED - for people like me who can take
> a NEW bug and confirm it, but cannot actually be ASSIGNED the task of
> committing the fix. I see there's UNCONFIRMED, which would be reasonable as
> well, but the initial state for a new bug though is... NEW ;-)

Hi Jeroen,

I gave you "admin" and "tweakparams" rights in bugzilla.  There's a 
fancy interface for Bug Status Workflow under the Administration menu 
that should allow you to set this up however you think is best.

Apologies that I did not copy this configuration over from the old 
server, but I completely missed it.

If you have issues, or simply don't have the time to work on it, I can 
try again to copy the params from the old server.

Thank you,

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