
Maybe I've some more 2.4.3 badness:

I just decided to restore one message, and copied it from the archive.
Unfortunately, I didn't copy properly, so the ownership was root instead
of cyrus.

I then ran a
# sudo -u cyrus /usr/local/cyrus/bin/reconstruct user.bla
user.bla: System I/O error System I/O error

Hmm, allright, so I ran it with a truss (like strace for FreeBSD) to
give me a bit more verbosity, and I realized I should chown.

But then:

# chown cyrus 22003.
# sudo -u cyrus /usr/local/cyrus/bin/reconstruct user.bla
fatal error: can't read mailboxes file

Ehm, that's bad.

# sudo -u cyrus /usr/local/cyrus/bin/ctl_mboxlist -d
fatal error: can't read mailboxes file

Uhoh! And then I looked at mailboxes.db: It looks like part completely
rewritten, including the skiplist header, and the first line now said:
user.bla: System I/O error System I/O error

Oops? Fortunately I had a recent copy, I just decided to make a tarball
of /var/imap after realizing I probably lost (a recent backup of) seen
state (related to other thread) because /var/imap is not on ZFS :-S

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