On 15/02/11 09:58 -0500, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
>I've done this before, but now I'm stumped [possibly Friday induced
>brain fade].  I'm trying to set a SIEVE script on a shared folder.
>I annotate the folder in cyradm -
>sardine.mormail.com> mboxcfg departments.cis sieve deletetestsubject
>sardine.mormail.com> info departments.cis
>  condstore: false
>  duplicatedeliver: false
>  lastpop:
>  lastupdate:  7-Jan-2011 15:58:37 -0500
>  partition: default
>  pop3newuidl: true
>  sharedseen: false
>  sieve: deletetestsubject
>  size: 82176367

>So I upload the script -
>sieveshell --user=cyrus --authname=cyrus ....
>> put deleteTestSubject
>> quit

>Now when I send the message to the folder no IOERROR. Woo Hoo! ... only
>the script doesn't seem to do anything.

Are you sending the message via LMTP or IMAP? IMAP does not support sieve.

Dan White
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