On Thu, 2011-09-15 at 11:38 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:

> Quoting Aleksander Machniak <machn...@kolabsys.com>:
> > On 15.09.2011 15:49, Mogens Melander wrote:
> >> Suggestions to other cool imap migration tools, up to the task, are  
> >> also welcome ;^)
> imapsync is the only automated tool I'm aware of.  The documentation  
> is *terrible*.  Would be an excellent topic for a BLOG post by someone  
> who pulls it off <cough/>.
> > My suggestion is: don't use Squirrelmail, use Roundcube ;)
> My suggestion is: use neither Squirrelmail or Roundcube, use Horde!   
> H4 is sweet.

i prefer sogo (super nice ajax interface, and it will be the web
interface of choice when openchange is finally completed i.e activeSync
support +++). http://sogo.nu

btw, i also migrated using imap sync and had a HUGE headache with
subfolders. what a drag ...


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