On 04/24/2012 02:00 AM, Martin Kraus wrote:
> Hi. I hoped that cyrus would be managable through ldap but that doesn't
> seem to be the case. Is the cyrus ldap support strictly for authentication?
> It's just that sasl can do that as well.
> I'd like to know if there are other options to managing mailboxes besides
> calling perl scripts. I need to come up with some kind of a graphical
> interface to manage mailboxes and I'm looking for the available options to
> interface with cyrus.
> thanks
> Martin
We used to have a locally developed perl CGI gui that managed Cyrus 
accounts and kept them synchronized with the info in our OpenLDAP server 
automatically, but we wanted to reduce the amount of locally developed 
code we were maintaining.

Now we use Webmin to create and manage Cyrus mailboxes, quotas, and so 
on. Saslauthd authenticates against LDAP (recently migrated to Active 
Directory). Postfix uses the AD server to distribute mail to groups. 
Users manage their sieve scripts via a Roundcube plugin.

We have to manually synchronize Cyrus mailboxes with AD accounts when we 
create or delete users, but otherwise all the pieces fit together very well.

Jules Agee
System Administrator
Pacific Coast Feather Co.
jul...@pcf.com       x284

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