On Mon, Sep 24, 2012, at 11:30 AM, Deniss Gaplevsky wrote:
> hello,
> i have a question to Brong as main powering force of cyrus development.
> I know cyrus is used at fastmail/opera for serving a lot of users.
> But stable branch 2.4 has a lot of performance related issues - like
> statuscache usage, grisly index lookups, etc - fixed in 2.5 which is not
> stable and not available as tarballs so far.
> Im curious what is the cyrus branch/version in use at Fastmail/Opera
> currently ? How well it is compatible to cyrus 2.4 branch ?

We're running master + our local patches in production at FastMail.

You may have noticed a bunch of work last week on master - I'm pushing
as much time as I can into preparing for a real 2.5 release.  Even if
it doesn't include everything we want, we can do a 2.6 more quickly next
time.  There were just a couple of little things that were making 2.5
unusable for people with murder or unixheirarchysep: yes, or... things
which we don't use.

I have also backported a couple of things to 2.4 though, so we should
get one or two more stable 2.4 series releases for those who want to
stay a bit longer.

  Bron Gondwana

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