On 12/01/13 21:08, John wrote:
> Hello,
> I am just trying to set up replication for the first time. I have
> followed the instructions here:
> http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/docs/cyrus-imapd/2.4.6/install-replication.php
> I have the replica up and running and it has syncserver running on it.
> However when I try to connect using sync_client I get a connection refused.
> To try and rule out ex-host issues I have tried a telnet from the
> replica machine.
> This also results in connection refused. I would appreciate any pointers
> as I don't know where to look.
> My config in cyrus.conf is as per the instructions (except the path to
> sync_server was slightly different):
> syncserver       cmd="/usr/lib/cyrus/bin/sync_server" listen="csync"
> When I telnet:
> # telnet localhost csync
> Trying
> Connected to localhost.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> [root@replica ~]#
> Jan 12 21:04:57 replica syncserver[392]: executed
> Jan 12 21:04:58 replica syncserver[392]: refused connection from
> I have spent ages looking to see if I can get more verbose output, or
> others' explanations of setting up replication but I have drawn a blank.
> I'd really appreciate a few pointers...
> Thanks in advance.
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I am still seeking some guidance on this, if there is anyone who can 
offer some adivce please?
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