Thanks Marc,

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Marc Patermann <> wrote:

> Wolfgang Rosenauer schrieb (03.02.2013 20:29 Uhr):
>  I'm running Cyrus imapd 2.3.x since quite some time for a group of users.
>> My setup is LDAP based using saslauthd to pam_ldap currently and works
>> just fine. But now I want to allow access to the mailboxes using the email
>> address as an alternative to the system username.
>> I have no real idea where to start how I could achieve that w/o changing
>> the whole architecture of the system.
>> Someone got a hint for me what to look at?
> I don't know much about pam_ldap, but as you have all the data in LDAP,
> why not switch to auxprop ldapdb and configure your LDAP to map the
> existing logins and mail address to the same object?

I actually needed a pointer into the right direction and I guess that is
I've never used sasl ldapdb though and I have a hard time figuring out how
and what to do.
>From the documentation I found it's also not clear to me if a crypted
userPassword as I use in my LDAP can be used in that setup.

If I understand correctly all the hard work to match usernames in done via
some regexp which should be powerful enough to let me search the login name
in uid and mail attributes?

Or did you actually refer to a different mapping in LDAP?

Is there some sort of HOWTO somewhere or is all the information really
spread in openldap, sasl and imapd documentation only?

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