
Am Freitag, den 21.02.2014, 17:23 +0100 schrieb Willy Offermans:
> I can answer my own question. I was indeed missing the authentication
> mechanism. I added <sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN> to imapd.conf on the
> back-end server and the replication worked.
> So I wonder how I can tell sync_client which authentication mechanism to
> use? It seems like a feature request to me? or a hidden option to the
> sync_client executable.

That's an interesting question. I had a similar problem this week to
force master and slave to sync via TLS. As long as the banner on slave
side offered "DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5 NTLM LOGIN PLAIN" to connection plain.
I set "allowplaintext: no" and "sasl_mech_list: PLAIN" on slave and now
both are talking PLAIN via TLS. So if there is an option on master side
to force to login using eg. CRAM-MD5 then there might be an option too
to force TLS.

> I'm playing with replication now and testing what happens if one deletes
> e-mails on the back-end server and not on the client. Will these mails be
> restored on the back-end by replication and when?

Don't understand, what is the client, the replica server?


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