Quoting Willy Offermans <wi...@offermans.rompen.nl>:

I removed the old log-pid files, leaving log-4508 and log file. I assumed
that the old log-pid remained after previous reboots.

I had a look into log file. It was a listing about my mail boxes, seemingly
randomly, and with double entries. I assumed the entries were connected
to the reception of incoming mails. However, I have no clue how the entries are
related to the replication process. Maybe someone can shed light on this.

Every process of cyrus will write a line to the log indicating where
something changed, but not the change itself. Sync_client and Sync_server
will figure out the difference (using checksums, modseq, ...),  and bring
the replic up to date for that part.

So a line with "MAILBOX user.bla.trash" will sync the trash folder of the
user bla but not the inbox of that user. While "MAILBOX user.bla" will sync
the inbox but not the subfolders.

I followed your procedure:

a) sync_client -r -f /var/imap/sync/log-4508
b) sync_client -r

I worked seemingly well. No messages whatsoever. So without any other
proof, I take this for success.

I like to note three things:

1) This procedure should be written somewhere in the manual.
2) There is still a need for double check of successful replication.

I think bron had a script/tool to compare checksums on both sides.

3) There is still a need for a message about failure of replication, caused
by reboot or other connection lost.

You can monitor the sync_client, or the filesize of the log file.
Depending on your server load it should only be a few kb.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
With kind regards,
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
De jrus wah,


 W.K. Offermans
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